Tipasjärvi Greenstone Belt

The company holds and has applied for exploration licenses in the prospective areas of the Tipasjärvi greenstone belt. The belt is highly prospective for the Silver Mine-type polymetallic silver-gold-lead-zinc-deposits and there are also indications of gold, copper and zinc deposits. Additionally, extensive kyanite-quartz mineralization occurs in the Kivisuo area. Laboratory scale flotation tests were performed in 1980’s and yielded kyanite and quartz concentrates with potential commercial interest.

Geological Survey of Finland conducted a research program in the Tipasjärvi greenstone belt in 2005-2007. The works included geological mapping, diamond core drilling (over 9 km), soil sampling, and detailed low-altitude airborne geophysical survey covering an area of over 400 km2.

Sotkamo Silver has collected available geological and geophysical data to prioritize targets for further work. The probability of finding the Silver Mine -type polymetallic deposits or volcanic-hosted base metal deposits is considered to be high.

Sotkamo 200k map

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Sotkamo Silver AB
Nybrogatan 34/Box 5216
SE-102 45 Stockholm

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