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Netti Mikko

Mikko Jalasto

CEO and Managing Director of Sotkamo Silver Oy since September 2022. Prior to that, Chief Operating Officer (COO) since January 2021. Mr. Jalasto has M.Sc. (eng.) from Helsinki University of Technology and he has strong industrial experience both from Finland and abroad. Born 1976.


Pasi Mtt picture

Pasi Määttä

Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Sotkamo Silver Oy since October 2022. Prior to that, Mining Manager since September 2021. Pasi has M.Sc. in Process Technology from University of Oulu and he has 20 years experience from managerial positions within industry. Born 1970.


Netti Tommi

Tommi Talasterä

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) since November 2021. Mr. Talasterä has M.Sc. (econ.) from Svenska Handelshögskolan in Helsinki and he has 20 years experience from managerial positions of finance both in the mining industry, manufacturing and service sector. Born 1973.


Netti Arttu

Arttu Ohtonen

Chief Sustainability Officer of Sotkamo Silver Oy. Arttu has been with Sotkamo Silver since 2012. Mr. Ohtonen has M.Sc. (tech.) in the environmental engineering from University of Oulu. Born 1983.


Get in Touch

Sotkamo Silver in Sweden

Sotkamo Silver AB
Nybrogatan 34/Box 5216
SE-102 45 Stockholm

Sotkamo Silver in Finland

Sotkamo Silver Oy
Hopeatie 20

© 2024 Sotkamo Silver AB.